NZAPT Conference 2023
This page was the one-stop shop for all information about the conference, including contact details for delegates and all materials provided at the conference. These resources have now been moved to our members only section.

Where and When?
Thursday, 23rd November,
Friday, 24th November,
Victoria University, Kelburn Campus.
If you click on Guest, which will show up in the WiFi options when you are on campus, this will appear, and you just need to follow the prompts.
How to get to the conference?
Kelburn Campus Map
We are using rooms in Te Toki a Rata (TTR) and Alan MacDiamid (AM). Look for our signs once you get to the TTR building.

Parking for visitors to the Kelburn Campus
There are 126 Pay and Display parks available for visitors (as well as staff and students) located along Waiteata Road. Prices range from $3.00 an hour to $11.00 a day (7 am–7 pm).
Parking for visitors to Central Wellington
There are two options for where to park.
This is the option closest to Cumberland Hall and has overnight parking. https://www.wilsonparking.co.nz/parking-locations/wellington/te-aro/upper-willis-street/
This is the option closest to the Victoria's Kelburn Campus - Waiteata Road. Prices range from $3.00 an hour to $11.00 a day (7 am–7 pm).
If you are arriving via bus or Uber/taxi
The bus stop (from Wellington City) is at the top of Kelburn Parade outside Subway (and the Easterfield/Hub entrance to Victoria University). Uber/taxis typically drop off here too.
Walk 1 minute up the hill to Te Toki a Rata (TTR) building and enter via automatic doors at Levell 1.
Getting from Cumberland Hall to the Kelburn Campus
It is a 15 minute (uphill) walk from Cumberland Hall to the Kelburn Campus. t is a 15 minute (uphill) walk to Kelburn campus. Follow instructions below for walking from the bottom of the hill (Salamanca Road) to find Te Toki a Rata (TTR).
If you’d prefer to bus, there’s a bus stop around the corner (Stop 7908 Ghuznee Street at Willis Street) and buses 18 Karori and 21 Karori (Wrights Hill) run regularly to Victoria University.
If you are walking (go you!)
If coming from the bottom of the hill (Salamanca Road or Cable Car - Salamanca Road/Weir House stop): when you get to Kelburn Parade, walk to the top of the hill. Te Toki a Rata (TTR) is the building at the top of Kelburn Parade on the left side of the road (if looking up the hill), next to the roundabout.
If coming from above (Glasgow Street/Cable Car - Kelburn or Botanical Gardens stop): Te Toki a Rata (TTR) is across the roundabout (at the intersection of Glasgow St and Kelburn Parade).
Checking in at Cumberland Hall
On arrival, you will need to go to the office at Cumberland House.
237 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
This is on the ground floor on the left as you walk through the door (you can't miss it). This office will be manned 24/7 but if you arrive after hours( after 6pm) or if no one is in the office, you will need to call the number on the door and someone will arrive to help you.
You just need to give your name to the office person (please check the attached document to make sure that we have accurately booked you a room ). They will give you a swipe card to access the buildings and a room key, a long with a letter with general information eg. evacuation procedures. Once you have your room key and swipe cards you will be able to access the buildings 24/7 and come and go as you please.
Conference Plan
This year, we have decided to run things a little differently. Responding to feedback and recognising the differing needs between teachers new to teaching psychology and those more experienced, we offer three different workshops during each session. Below is the link to register your interest in a session to allow our facilitators to prepare resources and activities for these sessions. We encourage schools with more than one teacher attending to spread themselves between sessions so you can take advantage of what's on offer. Don't worry if you are the sole teacher. All resources from each workshop will be shared by the end of the conference.


Key Note Speakers
Maree Hunt
Maree Hunt is the Associate Head of School - Teaching at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. In her research, she uses behaviour analytic approaches to solve real-world problems, such as driver safety, gambling addiction, and student success. Over the past few years, she and her team at VUW have created a Bachelor of Psychology degree that will provide students with a foundation in psychological science that is aligned with international standards, alongside interdisciplinary majors that will allow students to explore their interests and train for a wide range of careers. In a world where most of our global challenges require changes in human behaviour, psychological science has never been more important. In this talk she will introduce the new degree, and discuss how tertiary psychology across Aotearoa is responding to the need for psychological researchers and practitioners who can apply their knowledge and skills for a better world.
Dr Tia Neha
Tia Neha is a scholar affiliated with the New Zealand Māori tribes of Ngāti Porou, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahungunu, and Te Whānau Ā Apanui. She holds a PhD in Psychology and currently serves as a Senior Lecturer in Māori and Indigenous Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington. As a Māori woman, Tia dedicates herself to integrating Indigenous knowledge into academic pursuits. Her passion lies in the amalgamation of these dual perspectives (Indigenous and Western psychology), striving to weave Indigenous knowledge and scholarship into mainstream scholarship. Neha is a staunch advocate for evidence and strengths based culturally responsive research, emphasising its decolonising and applied traditional/contemporary knowledge production. Her research delves into working alongside whānau Māori (Māori communities), alongside exploring the areas of developmental, health, criminal justice, and community psychology. Her work stands as a testament of merging tradition with modernity, offering unique insights that enrich whānau Māori and academic communities. Nāku noa, nā
Labs/workshops Tours
Over the two days of conference we will visit different psychology laboratories. We will split into smaller groups and visit three labs in each afternoon session (Thursday, 1.30pm - 3pm; Friday, 1-2pm). The labs will all be held in the Easterfield (EA) building. Here’s the labs we will be visiting:
Cognitive Neuroscience with Bart Ellenbroek
Virtual Reality with Chris Maymon
Whānau research with Tia Neha and Albert Tibble
Baby Lab with Michaela Dresel
EEG research with Michael Tooley
Forensic Psychology with Clare-Ann Fortune (Thursday) and Hedwig Eisenbarth (Friday)
Frequently Asked Questions

If you know you are going to be late in advance of the conference, please email NZAPT@hotmail.com so we can make sure someone is there to greet you when you arrive. If you are unexpectedly late please come and join the fun when you arrive
What if we arrive late on day 1?

This is a really good opportunity to build your course, revamp assessments you feel you need to update or try something new and learn new classroom activities you may not have thought of before.
Whether experienced or new to teaching psychology the opportunity is there to take something home. Our advice is to come with a list of questions, an assessment you may not be happy with, and a rough outline for next year.
Remember to try to give as much as you want to receive and bring things you are particularly proud of, that have worked well or stories to share.
There will be opportunities to ask questions and clarification about the new standards. To prepare for this, please read the new standards
Additionally here is a link to Insight into Kaupapa Māori
What can I do to prepare for the conference?

Great news! Remember when learning something new we all have to start somewhere and today is a good day to start. Here is a good link to start you on your pepeha journey https://e-tangata.co.nz/reflections/pepeha-for-non-maori/
I would like to introduce myself using a non-Māori pepeha