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Moderation Service update


Moderation of assessments continues to be an area that members would like assistance with. There are now two ways you can get assessments moderated. NZAPT moderation service If you would like to have your work moderated, at no cost, you can contact us via and we will allocate your moderation to one of our committee members. On return of your moderated scripts we would ask your permission to share non-identifying samples of work in the shared drive. Essentially, we would like to crowdsource a bank of exemplars in the shared drive. A key issue highlighted was that many markschemes/judgement statements are not specifically linked to the context used for the assessment. Whilst exemplar Judgement statements are given on TKI for each standard it is important that teachers have tailored statements for the expected responses of the specific context the learners will be assessed on. This will enable accurate and consistent assessment of the students for the criteria in the specific context assessed. NZQA external moderation The second is via NZQA. Did you know you can send tasks and/or samples of work to be looked at by the national moderation panel at any time. This is in addition to your annual moderation requirement. We would encourage schools where there is only one teacher to make use of this free service in order to gain clarity over the grade boundary and your task design. You can submit work at any time during the year and this can sit outside of your usual moderation cycle.


Sally Bowden

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